Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Even the little things

It is amazing how God is constantly assuring us that He is here, He is NOW. And He shows in amazing ways that He cares. When we're hurting, scared, or weary, He knows about every little detail....

I had put off looking for a new family doctor since we had moved. Okay, I was actually dreading it. I mean, who could replace our Dr. Sam, that wonderful Christian man who cared as deeply about the health of the soul as he did the body. Nope, irreplaceable. It came time I could avoid it no longer, so choosing the best fit our family, I called for an appointment for myself. The nurse is weighing, listening, doing her thing, then turns to go and as she shuts the door behind her I see taped to the mirror:  ‘How can I pray for you?'

I stared, blinked, and stared again. Then I did what anyone else would have done and took a picture on my phone so I could send it to Doug.

Then as I sat and waited, I wept over the fact that God cared enough about me that he gave me this particular encounter during this particular week. It meant EVERYTHING!

And even more amazing. When Dr. P came in, super nice fella, he asked questions about being new to the community, how we’ve met friends (through church) , and whether the adjustment to CA has been going well. After discussing my physical issues and different treatment options, he said, “Sarah, we both have faith backgrounds, would you mind if I would pray with you before we get started? “ I was speechless, and then suddenly babbling....”Of course! I would be so honored if you would! Please do!”

 It was a beautiful prayer. Heartfelt, genuine, and expressed by someone who knows that God is in ultimate control. But someone who sees value in medicine as well and uses it, prescribes it for healing. All the while acknowledging there is a Great Physician who is only a prayer away, even in a doctor’s office.

I thanked him and left the office with a new prescription, but also a new perception. God wants me out and doing. He wants me reaching people, touching people, making a difference. Look what that single GOD Moment did for me. I’m praying that when opportunities come along, I grab them and shine my heart out for Jesus Christ.

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